Sunday, November 30, 2008

Two New Photo Shoots!

I did two photoshoots on can see more on my photography blog!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Logo for Photography--Help, please!!

Which one of these do you like the best? Do you like the font that I used for the "RH" part? Anything else you would change? Thanks for your help :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

100th post

This is my 100th post, but it's going to be a boring one...sorry.

Just wanted to pass on that the photoblog is finally caught up!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baby Jesus

Xavier can point and show me who Baby Jesus is on his new Christmas book! So precious...

(and yes, that means we are already reading Christmas books...oops).

Friday, November 14, 2008


Here is a link for a free 8.5x11 photo book from Snapfish!
The offer ends on Sunday.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I realize that I'm over a week late with these pictures, but that's better than not posting them at all, right?! Xavier was a dalmation puppy for Halloween and he enjoyed crawling around in puppy fashion in the backyard for his mommy to take photos...until he noticed the other dog. Then all he could do was point and the two doggies ended up checking each other out. The costume lasted less than an hour and no trick or treating yet for this little guy...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Photoshoot

Last weekend, Xavier and I went home to St. Louis for a little post-cross country season vacation (the flight was my birthday present from Matt). While we were there, we had fun doing a photoshoot of my parents and Erica in Forest Park. For more of the pictures, go to my photography blog.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Running update

Here's my week:
Monday--4 miles
Tuesday--getting a cold, no running
Wednesday--5 miles
Thursday--3 miles
Saturday--2 miles
Sunday--6 miles
Total--20 miles.
Met my goal of 20 miles, but would have run a lot more if I hadn't been sick. Feeling better now...