Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some random pictures from the last few days...

Matt was eating ice cream straight from the carton. When Xavier saw him, he ran and grabbed a spoon from the drawer and joined him!
Yesterday when we got home, I unbuckled Xavier from his car seat. As I grabbed a few things from the trunk, he climbed through the middle of the car and soon was driving!
Xavier usually likes to hold onto and feel a blanket with fringe while he drinks his bottle (by the way, we are down to just about 3 ounces and it will be finally going away soon!) But a kitty made a nice substitute for his fringe blanket on this night! Lulu didn't even mind.
Here's one of Diego. The haircut isn't so bad anymore!
Now go to my photography blog so you can see a few more! I put together some storyboards with some new pictures...


Rebekah said...

:o ) thanks!
<3 me

Anonymous said...

and i'll post this, because the photo blog won't let me:

coincidentally, anna quindlen was at the yale creative writing awards this year! i wanted to go, but it was during my practicum. here's the link if you'd like to read the winners. i haven't read from this year yet, but have read past winners and really enjoyed some of the pieces.

Rachel Hill said...

Oops...changed the settings on the photo blog so you don't need an account to comment there. Sorry!

Holly said...

Sorry about forgetting Erica. I edited the post to take that out.