Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Haircut #5

Yes, you read correctly. Today was haircut #5, people. I guess if you want to be technical about it, one of the haircuts was strictly a mullet removal and one came the day after another to trim it a little shorter. But this little boy has received at least 3 full haircuts! Here's the before:
(His daddy has referred to him as Sonic the Hedgehog as of late...not being a video game enthusiast myself, I don't know, but here he is...) And here's the after. He was a little worn out after haircut, bath, and Mommy putting shoes on him, hence the strange facial expression. (Erica asked me while we were in St. Louis why the one side of his hair always sticks out and the answer is...I don't know! His hair is not able to be contained or controlled. When I used to look at my own baby pictures, I wondered why my mom didn't do something with my hair...now I get it).
By the way, X is a rolling machine now! It's an odd feeling to leave him lying on a blanket to run upstairs quickly and come down and see him a few feet away! Last night, he was playing in his jungle and kept rolling over and then getting angry that he was on his stomach. Even though he is capable of rolling back, we would have to go "rescue" him.

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