Saturday, November 28, 2009


Just finished a Christmas present that I'm SO excited about! Wish I could post it, but I can't yet because I know this person's mama reads this blog...

I have to say it is much more calming to make my presents in my living room than to go shopping this time of year! :) At least once my children are asleep that is!


Holly said...

Wise idea not to post. Jamie put something on her blog that she made for my boys and even though she put "Holly do not look at this post" as her post heading, I must admit I looked. Gene told me I was bad to look. I said I'm just too curious. It was good to see you and your boys, all three of them. Think Gene liked having someone to talk Fantasy with.

Katie said...

I bet you are talking about me!!! Cant wait to see what you made!!!

Rachel Hill said...

Holly, I think Matt enjoyed hanging out with Gene and the kids too! And yes, Katie you are the one who I don't trust not to look ;)