Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our Family Portrait!

I actually made it posting every day this past week! I'm I'm sure are the three of you who read this are too!

Anyway, it is time to reveal our family portrait! I'm excited to show it to you...

Just scroll down.......


That wasn't what you were expecting, huh?

Well, too bad. :) I love seeing what Xavier comes up with when he draws! The big heads with legs coming directly out of them are so much fun...

Here's the work in progress:

And the artist:

(I think he's one of those leave-me-alone-while-I'm-working types.)

And in case you were confused, here's the labeled family portrait.

Yes, I'm laying down. Because I'm lazy. And all I do is lay around. :)

1 comment:

Carolyn Brutlag said...

Great pictures! (Xavier's too.)